IMMBO(Pack of 2)
- Fast acting, Non sedative, Non Steroidal, Anti Histaminic, Natural killer cell properties
- Start responding within first 2 to15 minutes of consuming the 1st dose in the patients suffering from Acute Allergic Rhinitis
- Combination of 18 herbs and Mandoor bhasma, manufactured by Bharat Bhaishajya Shala
- Each batch of this Ayurvedic formulation follows strict quality assurance protocol till the finishing stage
- Dosage: 3 Sachets per day or as directed by physician
- *Free one time online consultation on the purchase of nine boxes of Immbo. Please fill in the Pro - forma after making the purchase.
- *Special offer for dispensing physicians. For details, fill the pro-forma
Hingwashtak Churna
Indications: Relieves flatulence and bloating, improves peristalsis.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Lavanbhaskar Churna
Indications: Appetizer, Relieves flatulence and bloating.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Arogyavardhini Vati
Indications: Digestive stimulant, cures skin problems and liver disorders.
Dosage: 2 tablets after breakfast and dinner with water or directed by the physician.
Contains 60 tablets.
IMMBO(Pack of 2)
- Fast acting, Non sedative, Non Steroidal, Anti Histaminic, Natural killer cell properties
- Start responding within first 2 to15 minutes of consuming the 1st dose in the patients suffering from Acute Allergic Rhinitis
- Combination of 18 herbs and Mandoor bhasma, manufactured by Bharat Bhaishajya Shala
- Each batch of this Ayurvedic formulation follows strict quality assurance protocol till the finishing stage
- Dosage: 3 Sachets per day or as directed by physician
- *Free one time online consultation on the purchase of nine boxes of Immbo. Please fill in the Pro - forma after making the purchase.
- *Special offer for dispensing physicians. For details, fill the pro-forma
Hingwashtak Churna
Indications: Relieves flatulence and bloating, improves peristalsis.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Lavanbhaskar Churna
Indications: Appetizer, Relieves flatulence and bloating.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Arogyavardhini Vati
Indications: Digestive stimulant, cures skin problems and liver disorders.
Dosage: 2 tablets after breakfast and dinner with water or directed by the physician.
Contains 60 tablets.
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IMMBO(Pack of 2)
- Fast acting, Non sedative, Non Steroidal, Anti Histaminic, Natural killer cell properties
- Start responding within first 2 to15 minutes of consuming the 1st dose in the patients suffering from Acute Allergic Rhinitis
- Combination of 18 herbs and Mandoor bhasma, manufactured by Bharat Bhaishajya Shala
- Each batch of this Ayurvedic formulation follows strict quality assurance protocol till the finishing stage
- Dosage: 3 Sachets per day or as directed by physician
- *Free one time online consultation on the purchase of nine boxes of Immbo. Please fill in the Pro - forma after making the purchase.
- *Special offer for dispensing physicians. For details, fill the pro-forma
Hingwashtak Churna
Indications: Relieves flatulence and bloating, improves peristalsis.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Lavanbhaskar Churna
Indications: Appetizer, Relieves flatulence and bloating.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
Arogyavardhini Vati
Indications: Digestive stimulant, cures skin problems and liver disorders.
Dosage: 2 tablets after breakfast and dinner with water or directed by the physician.
Contains 60 tablets.
Sitopaladi Churna
Indications: Relieves cough, chronic fever, anorexia, sore throat.
Dosage: 1 gm powder mixed with honey after breakfast and dinner OR as directed by physician.
Contains 60 gms powder.
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