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Dosage: One capsule twice/thrice daily before meal or as recommended by physician.
Contains 30 Capsules
Dosage: 5-12 years: one tab thrice daily, 15 min. before meals.
Above 12 years: Two tablets thrice daily, 15 min. before meals.
Contains 90 tablets
Indication: Kidgrow is a non-alcoholic and a chemical free Ayurvedic formulation. It is made up of plant and mineral based compounds. It’s a promising appetizer and growth enhancer.
Dosage: One capsule twice a day after meal with milk or as recommended by physician.
Contains 30 Capsules.
Indication: Ayas comprises of Iron bhasma and revitalizing herbs which is well absorbed in body. It alleviates mood and boost strength, stamina by eliminating unexplained fatigue.
A research based, indigenously developed promising herbo-mineral formulation for liver disorders, taken from ancient treatise of Ayurveda
Dosage: One capsule thrice daily before meal or as recommended by physician.
Contains 60 capsules.
Rason Vati
Dosage: Two Tablets after each meal with hot water.
Contains 100 Tablets.
Indications: Relieves Indigestion, Painful Diarrhea, Stomach ache, Excellent appetiser, Improves peristalsis and digestion.
Shoolvarjini Vati
Indications: Provides significant relief in duodenitis
Dosage: 1-2 tablet after meal with water OR as recommended by physician.
Shoolvarjini Vati Contains 60 tablets.
Ajeernari Vati
Indications: Excellent appetizer, Improves Digestion and cures diarrhoea.
Dosage: 2 tablets after meal with water OR directed by the physician.
Contains 60 tablets
Sitopaladi Churna
Indications: Relieves cough, chronic fever, anorexia, sore throat.
Dosage: 1 gm powder mixed with honey after breakfast and dinner OR as directed by physician.
Contains 60 gms powder.
Arogyavardhini Vati
Indications: Digestive stimulant, cures skin problems and liver disorders.
Dosage: 2 tablets after breakfast and dinner with water or directed by the physician.
Contains 60 tablets.
Lavanbhaskar Churna
Indications: Appetizer, Relieves flatulence and bloating.
Dosage: As directed by physician
Contains 60 gm powder.
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